Alginate Dilution Calculator

Created by Jeffery Osagie and Dr. A. West


Input Data

All fields marked with an asterisk require a valid numeric input. Fields highlighted with green should not be changed normally. Very important to double-check fields highlighted in red. If value is zero, total volume will be calculated by multiplying number and volume of substrates.
This field cannot be blank, enter a final alginate concentration.

This field cannot be blank, enter a final rgd-alginate content.

This field cannot be blank, enter stock fibrinogen concentration.
This field cannot be blank, enter a final fibrinogen concentration.

This field cannot be blank, enter a final collagen concentration.

Internal Calculations/Constants


Calculated Volumes

Actual Volumes (Standard Alginate)

Actual Volumes (RGD-Alginate)

About calculator

This calculator precisely estimates the volume of salt buffers and water required to neutralize the acid from the collagen component of bio-inks and achieve physiologic tonicity.
The required inputs for the calculator are the desired final volume of bio-ink, and the stock and final concentrations of each matrix component. With these inputs, the calculator computes the volume of 5% NaHCO3, 1.5 M NaCl, and ddH2O to achieve final salt concentrations of 145 mM NaCl and 5 mM NaHCO3. Micro-volume errors associated with pipetting viscous alginates can also be corrected for by recalculating total volumes based on actual pipetted volumes, ensuring standardization and significantly minimizing variations between print runs.

How to calculate desired volumes

Final volumes can be computed from the following formula:
Volume of stock to be used = (Total volume to prepare * Desired concentration)/Stock concentration